Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Homework_25 June : Reading Technique
"Price warning on farmers markets
By Kevin Peachey Consumer affairs reporter, BBC News ,25 June 2008

Siri : Reading Technique :SQ3R

Recite the article

"Price warning on farmers markets"

- Customers are confused -----> the source of the food -----> the unaware guideline for classifying locally-sourced food----> so-called food from local farmers markets
- Farmers market ----> The National Farmer’s Retail and Markets Association (Farma)-----> Number of farmers markets has significant increased for 3 times since 2001----->do not have the official guideline to classify source of the local food

Question :

1) Do we have to concern about the source of food in UK ?

Siri's opinion : Yes ,I think if I am staying in UK that is high cost of leaving I am concern about food especially if some factors that will make the food's price increase such as the article said it has misled food price if the source of food were unclear.

2) What do you think about food price in farmers markets ?

Siri's opinion : When we look at the factors in the article it look like the food price in farmers markets should be declined in order to the number of farmers markets have risen significantly ,but it did not decrease nowaday and trend to increase gradually maybe accroding to they not implement the stardard guideline and unaware of sorced-food then some food price misled the price.

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