Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Academic vocabulary in Use

1) Diploma :
2) MA :
3) core modules
4) elective modules
5) proceed to
6) opt (v) for / option (n) /optional (adj)
7) obligatory(adj) / obligation(n) /oblige(v)
8) assignment
9) dissertation
10) eligible(adj) / eligibility(n)
11) distrinction
12) defer
13) supervision(person) /supervise(v) /supervisory(adj)
14) sign up for
15) upgrade
16) tertiary education
17) higher education : provide by university or college
18) further education : education for people who left school,not provide by university
19) vocational(adj) : teaching or the skills you need to do a particular job
20) BA
21) BSc
22) Msc
23) MA
24) docterate (Phd)

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