Thursday, 24 July 2008

Preparation for Seminar_Media and TV

Vovabularies connected to this topic

1) literacy (n) : the ability to read/write or a particular type of knowleage /ability to analyse in the positive way

e.g. : The media literacy has been putting as a key issue at 2008 media conference that will be held in London next month.

2) stereotype (n/v) = categorize, pattern, standard, typecast or a fixed idea that people have about something or someone is like ,

e.g. : The people stereotype,not only men but also women ,has been affected by TV image.

3) wisely(adv) : showing a good judgement

e.g.: At the present,media has been a big influencer in our society so we considered to provide a very wisely lesson to childrend at school.

4) multi-media society

5) appraise(v) : to examine someone or sth in order to judge their quality ,success or needs

e.g.: I was appraised by my boss last week.

6) via = through

e.g. : I did the data collection via the internet.

7) vast = extreamly big

8) critically(adv) / criticise(v) /critical(adj) /critic(n)

9) broadly(adv) /broad(adj) /broadness(n) /broaden(v)

10) toddle(v) : to walk with the short step

11) imitate (v) : to behave in the similar way /imitative(adj) /imitatively(adj)/imitation(n)

12) crave (v) / craving (n) : a strong or uncontrollable desire

e.g. Child also have a craving action.

13) desire(v) : a strong feeling that you want sth.

14) adolescent(n) : a young person who is developing into adult.

15) interpret(v) : to decide that what the intended meaning of sth is /express

16) advocacy : support /advocate (n)

17) fiction (n) / fictitious(adj)

18) imperative (n/adj) : extreamly important or urgent ,need to be done

19) convey(v) : communicate /to express ideas

1 comment:

Sheraz said...

good one carry on, and plz tell me what type of vocabulary would u like me to share so I'll find from that book and post here. :)
Good Luck Siri