Monday 14 July 2008


- received the harshest possible reprimand
- The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry suspended Roche for six months
- The suspension = stop
is highly embarrassing for Roche
- the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) statutory(adj ,controlled by law) regulator
- would submit a report to government prosecution( lawyers.
- Roche’s for­mer head of regulatory affairs in the UK
- the House of Lords = one of the Britain parliament
- unfair dismissal(n,neglecting /ignoring) by the company
- owner of a Barnsley slimming clinic, was sentenced to 14 months’ imprisonment(to put someone in a prison) in March
- it was a victim of criminal activity and that
- the MHRA found no evidence of its wrong-doing.
- “the potential increased used of Xenical”.
- Roche issued a statement on Monday
- “We are committed to complying with the Code of Practice . . .
- the company has already taken, and continues to take, steps to try to ensure breaches do not happen again.”

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