Thursday, 3 July 2008

The difference between the sorts of problems international male students have compared to international female students during summer 2008_First Draft

B Siriporn, London Metropolitan University

More than 200 years that The United Kingdom (UK) has established a highly standard and a good reputation in the world of education so those reasons have risen significantly for international students who pursue a higher education (The independent survey 2008).A basic things as problems will come along with international students when they are moved to UK for their education such as missing home ,accommodation ,difficulties reading‚ writing‚ or listening to lectures in a foreign language and transportation(students affairs UK ,University of Kentucky) were reported.

However, even thought has a few research has been reported about international students problems in UK but unfortunately there were not up to date data so these research will carry out the new updated international students problems.


The primary aim of this research is to discover if there is any difference between the sorts of problems international male students have compared to international female students who attend the class during summer 2008 and the secondary aim is to carry out the results of how the respondents were satisfied by living in UK, the quality of study, and the quality of staffs.


The sample

The research sampled 27 respondents, 16 Females and 11 males, from the international student summer class 2008 with different ages. The respondents have been studying at London Metropolitan University.

Data collection

The data were collected by questionnaires that were contained with various student problem questions and the questions how the respondents were satisfied by living in UK, the quality of study and the quality of staffs then the data will identify the sort of international student summer problems and how satisfied do they feel during summer class.


The primary aim: the sorts of problems international students.

The research were discovered that the most problem for the respondents were funding and Visa, were come up with a similar percentage, despite finance and Visa problems were a major problem for female not in group of male.

One in three of the respondents were found quite problem with accommodation and about 22% have quite problem with transportation. However, accommodation, transportation and funding problems were occurred with female more than male.

The research were found that the medium problem of the respondents were language(37%) and male were found less problem than female, the main medium problem for the male respondents was a opening bank account(18.51%).Whereas, both language and healthcare system were high percentage as a medium problem for female respondents.

Other problems were just a little, least or no problem for the respondents and both female and male were significant no problem with child care when the research was carried out the result.

The secondary aim: how the respondents were satisfied by living in UK, the quality of study, and the quality of staffs.

- How the respondents were satisfied by living in UK?

The research was demonstrated that 52% of the respondents were quite satisfied by living in UK while a quarter says they were just satisfied, but 11% say they were very dissatisfied by living in UK.

- How the respondents were satisfied by the quality of study?

The quality of study just over a half of the respondent state that they were quite satisfied, but 19% was not very satisfied with the quality of study at London Metropolitan University.

- How the respondents were satisfied by the quality of staffs?

The majority of the respondents were quite satisfied with the quality of staffs and one in three say they were just satisfied by staffs however 4% of the respondents were very dissatisfied with the quality of London Metropolitan staffs.

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